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JOC執行董事會成員山口香織(Kaori Yamaguchi)
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A senior Japanese Olympic Committee official today said that Tokyo Olympics should be delayed. “It should be postponed under the current situation where athletes can’t be well prepared,” Kaori Yamaguchi, a Japanese Olympic  Committee executive board member, told the Nikkei daily, adding her voice to a growing chorus calling for Tokyo 2020 to be delayed…

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  • “It should be postponed under the current situation where athletes can't be well prepared,” Kaori Yamaguchi, a Japanese Olympic  Committee executive board member, told the Nikkei daily, adding her voice to a growing chorus calling for Tokyo 2020 to be delayed….
  • 日本奧委會一位高級官員今天表示,東京奧運應該要延後。
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首席作業編輯是 Oleg Siziakov
