C. Beverly Hills先生任命新的人與文化總監


人與文化部總監喬·加西亞羅斯(Joe Garciaros)來訪的是具有悠久歷史,受意大利啟發的貝弗利山莊先生(C. Beverly Hills),他擁有數十年的專業知識和在酒店業人力資源方面享有盛譽的專有技術。 他在豪華酒店和精品酒店管理領域公認的領導才能和合作能力使他在開發人員以提高眾多知名酒店物業的目標和體驗方面取得了巨大成功。

加西亞羅的職業生涯中最著名的時刻包括他作為經理的導師,此後一直在洛杉磯各地一些最受人尊敬的豪華酒店中扮演重要角色的經理,例如Bel-Air酒店的人力資源總監,貝弗利山莊總督(L'Ermitage Beverly Hills)人力資源總監,聖塔莫尼卡艾美酒店(Le Meridien Delfina Santa Monica)的人力資源總監。 Garciaros對酒店業充滿熱情,並立即吸引了C先生時尚的歐洲式舒適,氛圍和精緻的服務。

加西亞羅斯說:“我很高興加入C先生,這是一個備受推崇的品牌,對應有的優質款待有著獨特的見解和理解。” “對這一願景的承諾滲透到了客人踏入該物業的那一刻起所見,觸及的每一個細節,而我為通過我們的入職和員工培訓如何實現這一願景而感到自豪。”

加西亞羅斯(Garciaros)擔任新職務,旨在通過僱用熱情好客和無可挑剔的客戶服務的員工,為旅客創造無與倫比的豪華體驗,為旅客創造回憶和長久的回憶。 在員工方面,他希望創建一個強大的團隊和環境,將其尊重他人並實行真正的開放政策的理念融入其中。


  • Some of the most notable moments in Garciaro's career include his role as a mentor for managers who have since moved on to play instrumental roles at some of the most revered luxury hotels throughout Los Angeles, such as the Director of HR for Hotel Bel-Air, Director of HR for the Viceroy L’Ermitage Beverly Hills, and Director of HR at Le Meridien Delfina Santa Monica.
  • “The commitment to this vision permeates every detail the guests see, touch, and experience from the moment they step foot on the property—and I am proud to play a part in how that vision is executed through our onboarding and staff training.
  • At the employee level, he looks to create a strong team and environment where his philosophy of treating everyone with respect and having a true open-door policy will be incorporated.




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