UNWTO: 隨著旅行限制的解除,對責任、安全和安保的需求

UNWTO: 隨著旅行限制的解除,對責任、安全和安保的需求
UNWTO: 隨著旅行限制的解除,對責任、安全和安保的需求
Written by 哈里·約翰遜

隨著越來越多國家的旅遊業緩慢重啟,世界旅遊組織(UNWTO) has released new data measuring the impact of COVID-19 on the sector. UNWTO emphasizes the need for responsibility, safety and security as restrictions on travel are lifted. The Organization also reiterates the need for credible commitment to support tourism as…

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  • 隨著越來越多國家的旅遊業緩慢重啟,世界旅遊組織(UNWTO) has released new data measuring the impact of COVID-19 on the sector.
  • UNWTO emphasizes the need for responsibility, safety and security as restrictions on travel are lifted.
  • The Organization also reiterates the need for credible commitment to support tourism as….




哈里約翰遜一直是作業編輯 eTurboNews 超過 20 年。 他住在夏威夷的檀香山,來自歐洲。 他喜歡寫作和報導新聞。
