Ovolo 酒店推出新的可持續發展計劃

Ovolo Hotels 是屢獲殊榮的生活方式酒店系列,在澳大利亞、香港和巴厘島擁有酒店,宣布推出其品牌範圍內的“做好事,感覺良好”可持續發展倡議,包括“綠色振興”承諾植樹,與 Eden Reforestation Projects 合作,針對其酒店的每次直接預訂。

“Do Good, Feel Good”遵循 Ovolo 的素食“Plant'd”承諾,並在“地球”和“人類”兩大關鍵支柱中突出以下重點:


  • Beginning on November 1, 2022, Ovolo will partner with Eden Reforestation Projects to plant one tree in Nepal for every direct booking at any Ovolo property, as part of its “Green Perk” program.
  • Working with EarthCheck to ensure all actions are science-backed, strategic and sustainable.
  • The Plant’d Pledge which promotes vegetarian and plant-based cuisine across Ovolo Hotels restaurants and bars.
  • A commitment to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030.
  • Designing new hotels responsibly to include sustainable materials and fittings and achieve Green Certification for all Ovolo-owned new-build hotels.
  • Eliminating single-use plastics by 2023.
  • Measuring and managing carbon emissions, water, waste and energy consumption.
  • Sourcing locally and organically wherever possible.


  • Protecting the mental and physical well-being of employees and increasing development and learning opportunities for all.
  • Providing education, nutrition and healthcare for disadvantaged children in Indonesia and Hong Kong:
  • Ovolo has partnered with Bali Children’s Foundation, which help thousands of children complete school, find employment, and improve their lives and the life of their community. Ovolo has sponsored a school in Bali with classroom upgrades, class delivery for a year and a stationery kit for each student in the elementary school of SDN 3 Sidetapa in North Bali. www.balichildrenfoundation.org
  • Ensuring a 50/50 breakdown of women and men in management positions by 2025.
  • Doubling fundraising efforts by 2025.

Promoting local art, culture and history to support local communities.

Ovolo 集團首席執行官戴夫·巴斯瓦爾 (Dave Baswal) 表示:“我們的承諾不僅限於環境指標,還包括慶祝多樣性和包容性、支持兒童和學校、在當地採購以及建造以有意義的方式回饋社區的酒店等問題。” “我們希望為自己和地球做出更好的選擇,並為確保所有人擁有更美好的未來發揮我們的作用。”

每當客人直接通過 Ovolo 預訂時,他們會在入住後收到一條消息,詳細說明他們的樹木種植地點以及對環境的相應影響。 本著對客人、員工和投資者透明的精神,並不斷努力提高其可持續發展資質,Ovolo 還承諾製作一份由第三方審計師驗證的年度可持續發展報告。

“透明度以及與倡議和可持續發展目標保持一致對我們來說至關重要; 我們不只是想說說而已,但我們也想承擔責任,去行動,”戴夫·巴斯瓦爾 (Dave Baswal) 總結道。




哈里約翰遜一直是作業編輯 eTurboNews 超過 20 年。 他住在夏威夷的檀香山,來自歐洲。 他喜歡寫作和報導新聞。

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