
Written by 哈里·約翰遜

昨天,當地時間上午5:30左右,颶風三角洲降落在金塔納羅奧州,成為第2類強颶風,沿著莫雷洛斯港附近的海岸抵達。 州長卡洛斯·華金(CarlosJoaquín)報告說,到目前為止,該州尚未發生嚴重損失或死亡的報導。 截至8月XNUMX日,週四的國際機場 坎昆科蘇梅爾 將恢復操作。

目前,該州的所有城市(圖盧姆,薩利達里達,科蘇梅爾,莫雷洛斯港,貝尼托·華雷斯,穆拉雷斯島,拉薩羅·卡德納斯,何塞·瑪麗亞·莫雷洛斯,奧通·布朗卡,費利佩·卡里略·波多黎各和巴卡拉爾)都已縮減為黃色預警水平; 這些警報級別反映了降低的風險,但是由於新近來的暴風雨繼續在整個地區帶來風雨,因此需要保持警惕並採取預防措施。


重要的是要記住,該州的所有遊客(本國人和外國人)都可以下載“ Guest Assist”應用程序(在iOS和Android上可用),以在這種情況下請求任何類型的幫助或信息。 此外,為了找到並保護該州的遊客,“訪客定位器”技術平台立即啟用,可供要求的大使館和領事館使用。

到目前為止,大多數遊客已經能夠返回他們的旅館並回到家中,但是仍然有人要求人們採取必要的預防措施,並遵循國家民防和政府的指示和建議。金塔納羅奧州。 金塔納羅奧州旅遊局將繼續監視局勢,並在需要時提供更新和信息,整個州政府和旅遊業正在共同努力,保護公眾健康仍然是重中之重。


  • Earlier this week the Government of the State of Quintana Roo, working with State Civil Protection Department, implemented the official protocols and preventive measures necessary to safeguard the well-being of the population and all visitors, for which various areas of the state were evacuated and the people were taken to the corresponding shelters, which can be consulted in this link.
  • So far, most of the tourists have already been able to return to their hotels and population to their homes, however, people are still being asked to take the necessary precautions and follow the instructions and recommendations by the State Civil Protection and the Government of the State of Quintana Roo.
  • It is important to remember that all tourists in the state (nationals and foreigners) can download the “Guest Assist” app (available on iOS and Android) to request any type of assistance or information during such situations.




哈里約翰遜一直是作業編輯 eTurboNews 超過 20 年。 他住在夏威夷的檀香山,來自歐洲。 他喜歡寫作和報導新聞。
