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牙買加旅遊部長 Hon. Edmund Bartlett 稱讚 Sandals Resorts International 的數百萬美元投資是在 COVID-19 大流行的挑戰中需要強調的積極發展。

Sandals 目前在牙買加進行了超過 350 億美元的投資,隨著它擴展和升級多個物業,還會有更多投資。 

昨天(23月XNUMX日)在蒙特哥灣Sandals Royal Caribbean舉行的High Grove Village剪彩儀式上發表講話, 牙買加旅遊 Bartlett 部長稱讚 Sandals 創始人、已故的 Gordon “Butch” Stewart 說他留下了享譽世界的遺產,並在使牙買加成為加勒比地區首屈一指的度假勝地方面發揮了重要作用。

“我認為,‘布奇’通過這一標誌性的、最令人嚮往的旅遊景觀產品——涼鞋——離開世界的遺產確實掌握得很好,我要讚揚亞當和他的團隊如此出色地傳承了這一遺產,”巴特利特說。 他還強調,涼鞋在開發高端奢侈品方面取得了進展,“這不僅激勵了我們在行業中的發展,而且讓我們感到高興和自豪。”  



巴特利特部長在談到 COVID-19 大流行時說,雖然人們對新出現的變種感到擔憂,但還有更多好消息,包括西印度群島大學的全球旅遊彈性和危機管理中心 (GTRCMC)上週在迪拜舉行的 2021 年世界旅遊獎 (WTA) 上特別表彰為世界領先的旅遊計劃。 

“這是牙買加旅遊產品如何發展的標誌性聲明,以及知識和學術元素如何結合在一起,使我們在理解如何管理中斷以及如何為應對中斷浪潮做好準備方面實現巨大飛躍,例如大流行病,”巴特利特部長說。 他補充說,因此,有必要“注意正在發生的事情並為我們正在做的事情感到自豪,而不是消極。”

Sandals 執行主席 Adam Stewart 透露,“我們正在考慮在牙買加投資超過 350 美元,其中不包括 Dunn's River Phase 2。” 目前的項目包括擴大 Sandals Royal Caribbean 的 84 間客房,其中包括一個 48 間套房的 High Grove Village,於昨天正式開業。 明年計劃對 Sandals Dunn's River、Sandals Negril 進行額外投資,並在 Beaches Runaway Bay 投資 250 億美元。 



  • Speaking at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for High Grove Village, which was officially opened at Sandals Royal Caribbean, Montego Bay, yesterday (December 23), Jamaica Tourism Minister Bartlett hailed Sandals founder, the late Gordon “Butch” Stewart saying he had left a legacy that was world-renowned and was playing a major role in making Jamaica stand out as the premier resort destination in the Caribbean.
  • “This is a signature statement of how the tourism product in Jamaica has developed and how the intellectual and academic elements have come together to give us a quantum leap in terms of understanding how to manage disruptions and how to prepare ourselves for waves of disruptions such as pandemics,” said Minister Bartlett.
  • Speaking on the COVID-19 pandemic, Minister Bartlett said while there was a concern for emerging variants, there was so much more good news, including that the Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Centre (GTRCMC) at the University of the West Indies had received special recognition as the World's Leading Tourism Initiative at the World Travel Awards (WTA) 2021 held in Dubai last week.




琳達·霍恩霍爾茲 (Linda Hohnholz) 曾任編輯 eTurboNews 很多年了。 她負責所有優質內容和新聞稿。

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