
April 19 through 23, the 16th bi-annual Reykjavík International Literary Festival will transform Iceland’s capital city into a global hub of books, storytelling, literature, and ideas. A celebration of literature and storytelling, this year’s festival focuses on issues of freedom of expression and human rights. This premiere literary event attracts readers and authors from around…

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  • A celebration of literature and storytelling, this year’s festival focuses on issues of freedom of expression and human rights.
  • April 19 through 23, the 16th bi-annual Reykjavík International Literary Festival will transform Iceland’s capital city into a global hub of books, storytelling, literature, and ideas.
  • This premiere literary event attracts readers and authors from around….




哈里約翰遜一直是作業編輯 eTurboNews 超過 20 年。 他住在夏威夷的檀香山,來自歐洲。 他喜歡寫作和報導新聞。
