肯尼亞的Garissa Hotel在另一場Al Shabab襲擊中

(eTN) - 雖然目前沒有跡象表明前天晚上在加里薩沙丘酒店的濫殺濫傷是否與剛剛結束的政治黨提名有關

(eTN) - 雖然目前沒有跡象表明前天晚上在加里薩的沙丘酒店發生的濫殺濫傷是否與剛剛結束的政治選舉辦公室的政黨提名有關 - 計劃在第二天晚些時候舉行一次大型集會角逐總統職位和議會多數席位的主要政黨之一 - 事實保持不變,據稱青年黨恐怖分子向客人開火時,有 6 人喪生,2 人重傷。


自 2011 年 XNUMX 月肯尼亞開始在索馬里境內對跨國界襲擊中的犯罪分子和恐怖分子發動進攻以來,加里薩和鄰近城鎮和村莊以及內羅畢發生了一系列隨機手榴彈襲擊和槍擊事件。 這使整個國家處於高度戒備狀態,酒店、餐館、購物中心、銀行和政府大樓得到了額外的保護,即使不是不可能,也很難進入這些梅花目標,從而避免了任何重大的恐怖事件.


雖然青年黨在去年底將其主要據點基斯馬尤的控制權拱手讓給肯尼亞軍隊後在索馬里處於不利地位,但其殘餘勢力已融入索馬里和肯尼亞的普通民眾中,並繼續構成嚴重威脅,尤其是與即將舉行的選舉同時發生,伊斯蘭恐怖分子和武裝分子可以利用已經加劇的緊張狀態進一步加劇對結果的潛在分歧。 向遇難者的家人和朋友表示哀悼。


  • While there is no indication at present if the indiscriminate shooting the evening before yesterday at the Dunes Hotel in Garissa was related to the just-concluded party nominations for political elective offices – a major rally was planned for later the following day by one of the leading parties contending for the presidency and a majority in parliament – the facts remain the same, that 6 people were killed and 2 seriously injured when alleged Al Shabab terrorists opened fire on guests.
  • While Al Shabab has been on the back foot in Somalia after losing control of their key stronghold of Kismayu to Kenyan forces late last year, remnants have melted away into the general population in both Somalia and Kenya and continue to pose a serious threat, in particular seen in parallel with the upcoming elections, where Islamic terrorists and militants could use an already heightened state of tension to further aggravate potential disagreements over results.
  • Since the start of the Kenyan offensive inside Somalia against criminals and terrorists attacking in cross-border raids in September 2011, a series of random grenade attacks and shootings have taken place in Garissa and neighboring towns and villages as well as in Nairobi.




主編 eTurboNews 位於 eTN 總部。
