2022 年歐洲大會:圓滿結束

今年以第 XNUMX 屆中東歐 MCE 開始,這是第二次在美麗的城市布達佩斯舉辦。 在歐洲大會、布達佩斯會議局和所有參與合作夥伴的共同努力下,本次活動為激動人心的一年完美拉開序幕。 歐洲議會最古老的活動似乎像美酒一樣陳年。

隨著 2022 年即將結束,是時候回顧歐洲議會迄今為止最緊張、最成功的一年了。 克服了 MICE 行業在過去幾年面臨的諸多挑戰,Europe Congress 成功地組織了 3 場獨特的 MICE 業務研討會,並引入了市場新的獨特活動概念 Events Club Forum,從而完成了史詩般的回歸!

繼在布達佩斯取得成功之後,是時候飛往充滿活力的杜塞爾多夫,參加期待已久的 MCE 北歐和西歐,該展覽從 2020 年推遲到 XNUMX 月舉行。感謝杜塞爾多夫會議局和其他合作夥伴的合作,歐洲大會圓滿結束了今年的第二場活動。

隨著夏季的臨近,是時候展示市場上最新的活動概念了:活動俱樂部論壇。 與 CzechTourism 密切合作在童話般的布拉格舉辦的此次活動以獨特的方式將 B2B 會議、展覽和主題演講區結合在一起,絕對讓所有參與者驚嘆不已。

To complete an outstanding year, Europe Congress held their last event as autumn leaves fell all around Spain’s trendy capital, Madrid. Thanks to the close support of the Madrid Convention Bureau, Meliá Avenida América, Visual Europe and all other partners, participants enjoyed the networking opportunities offered by the seventh edition of the MCE South Europe.

All in all, 2022 has been by far Europe Congress’ most successful year. Enabling the showcase of 4 different destinations and, more importantly, the creation new business connections of the highest quality between MICE solution providers and top-notch event planners from all around the globe, has set the bar very high for 2023.

The hypermotivated Europe Congress team are eager to surpass themselves in 2023, so they are already working tirelessly on next year’s events to provide their clients with experiences second to none in the market. Dresden, Porto, Prague, and Sevilla are the captivating MICE destinations that Europe Congress will be showcasing next year and where many new business partnerships will be created. On top of that, Europe Congress is also glad to announce a new addition to the next year’s event line-up: Events Club Associations Forum, in Salzburg.

When asked about 2023, Europe Congress’ Managing Director, Alain Pallas, stated that “2022 was marvellous and we’re stoked to start 2023. We’ll be presenting 5 events next year, where many new business connections and partnerships will be made. Our forums are successful as they bring value to all the participants, and therefore we will keep on striving to make all our upcoming forums even greater opportunities for that to happen. Till then we from Europe Congress want to wish everyone a happy holiday period and a wonderful new year!”




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