71,452 月乘飛機抵達的總人數為 15.95 人次*,年增 136,990%。 62.87月郵輪旅客總人數創下最高,達XNUMX人次,較去年同期成長XNUMX%。
「體驗特克斯和凱科斯群島報告的數據顯示,雖然我們預計9 月和10 月會出現小幅下降(這是正常現象),但隨著冬季的到來,國際航空運力將在年底前增加,”旅遊部長表示,尊敬的約瑟芬·康諾利。
隨著搭飛機抵達的人數增加,飯店的入住率也令人印象深刻。 STR 的數據顯示,75.8 月的入住率為 1021.53%,為該地區第三高。特克斯和凱科斯群島 XNUMX 月的 ADR 也位居第二,為 XNUMX 美元。
儘管與今年前幾個月相比,50 月和 XNUMX 月的入住率預計會有所下降,但酒店合作夥伴報告稱,平均入住率達到 XNUMX%,其中一些酒店會在最後一刻預訂。
與過去幾年的慣例一樣,13 家酒店計劃在 XNUMX 月至 XNUMX 月期間關閉,並在不同日期進行維護和其他活動。
The Turks and Caicos Islands is made up of two groups of islands in the Lucayan Archipelago: The larger Caicos Islands and the smaller Turks Islands, thus the name. It is home to the best beaches in the world with majestic white sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters. Each island and cay are a destination of its own. Providenciales is home to world-renowned Grace Bay Beach, luxury hotels, resorts, villas, spas and restaurants. Grand Turk is ‘home away from home’ for our cruise passengers, and our sister islands are the gateway to nature, exploration, and culture. Considered the world’s best-kept secret, TCI is an effortless escape – with an ease of connectivity through direct flights from major cities in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.