影響超過 1200 人的年輕型癡呆症

A HOLD 免費版本 2 | eTurboNews | 電子網

More than one thousand people impacted by frontotemporal degeneration (FTD), the most common dementia under 60, came together to connect, learn, and engage with a community that understands the disease at the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration’s (AFTD) first-ever hybrid Education Conference, on Friday, April 8.               Persons diagnosed with FTD, care partners, caregivers, researchers, health care…

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  • 超過 60 名受額顳葉退化 (FTD) 影響的人是 8 歲以下最常見的癡呆症,在額顳葉退化協會 (AFTD) 的首次混合教育中,他們聚集在一起,與了解該疾病的社區建立聯繫、學習和參與會議,XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日星期五。
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