印度公共安全用戶將獲得空中客車公司的 Tactilon Agnet 解決方案

Airbus is to supply additional Tactilon Agnet licenses to BSNL network operator in India. Over a 3-year period, 20 000 additional public safety users and industry stakeholders around India such as police forces, fire fighters, ports and airports will be able to benefit from Airbus’ multimedia critical communication and collaboration platform. Airbus’ Tactilon Agnet is a future-proof…

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  • Over a 3-year period, 20 000 additional public safety users and industry stakeholders around India such as police forces, fire fighters, ports and airports will be able to benefit from Airbus' multimedia critical communication and collaboration platform.
  • 空客將向印度的 BSNL 網絡運營商提供額外的 Tactilon Agnet 許可。
  • Airbus' Tactilon Agnet is a future-proof….




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